Translator Free is the most powerful translation tool on your Android. Translate any sentence or phrase into any destination language, and enjoy a set of useful add-on features such as text-to-speech, history tracking, and integrated Facebook/SMS/e-mail support.
This language converter or language translator app free for download on Android is best to act as interpreter train and learn foreign language. You can have translation from english to any languages.
Keywords: language, translator, foreign, translation, automatic, phrase, travel, abroad, dictionary, translator free, translator online
Key features include:
★ Instant, easy translation ★
- Quickly input whatever sentences/phrases/words you'd like to translate and get translated results instantly.
★ +20 languages ★
- Being able to translate from and to +20 world languages.
★ Text to speech ★
- Hear a native speaker’s pronunciation for translated text
★ Be social ★
- Integrated Facebook, Twitter, Email and SMS support (for writing translated updates to your Facebook and Twitter followers)
- Integrated copy-paste functionality (useful for texting your foreign friends)
</div> <div class="id-app-translated-desc" style="display:none">翻译,免费为你的Android上最强大的翻译工具。翻译任何句子或者短语到任意目的地的语言,并享受一系列有用的附加功能,如文本到语音,历史记录跟踪,并整合Facebook的/短信/电子邮件支持。
- 快速输入任何句子/短语/单词你想要翻译并立即得到翻译结果。
- 如果能够从翻译和20种语言。
- 听到母语的发音翻译文本
- 集成的Facebook,微博,电子邮件和短信支持(书面翻译的更新你的Facebook和Twitter的追随者)
- 集成的复制粘贴功能(短信你的外国朋友非常有用)</div> <div class="show-more-end">